Encontros no Vale de Nentir
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Aviso: Esse trecho é somente para o Dungeon Master. Se você é jogador desta campanha, pare de ler imediatamente: sua diversão vai ser menor lendo o trecho abaixo. |
- Astral Sea
- Regional Encounter Table (Any)
- Abomination - Astral Stalker
- Abomination - Phane
- Angel
- Githyanki
- Marut
Between the Trade Road and the North Harken Forest
Prides of nomadic Wemic roam the western beastlands, often warring with each other, and with nomadic bands of Satyr. Wemic also inhabit the eastern beastlands, although these Wemic are not nomadic and have adapted to the presence of the civilized races. They sometimes skirmish with the Satyr of the Harken Forest.
Eastern Beastlands
- Regional Encounter Table (6-10)
- Behemoth
- Griffin - Griffin
- Wemic
- Human – Bandit
- Ogre
Western Beastlands
- Regional Encounter Table (11-15)
- Satyr
- Wemic
- Minotaur
- Purple Worm
- Cairngorm Peaks
- Regional Encounter Table (21-25)
- Dragon, Blue Dragon
- Dragonspawn – Bluespawn Godslayer
- Giant – Storm Giant
- Giant – Storm Titan
- Roc – Thunder Hawk
- Wyvern – Fell Wyvern
- Regional Encounter Table (1-5)
- Beetle – Tangler Beetle
- Drake – Pseudodragon*
- Drake – Spitting Drake*
- Ettercap
- Gnoll
- Kobold
- Snake – Crush Grip Constrictor
- Spider – Death Jump Spider
- Vine Horror
- Wolf – Dire Wolf
- Wolf – Gray Wolf
- *Chance of Rage Drake present
- Regional Encounter Table (16-20)
- Azer
- Dragon, Red Dragon
- Giant – Fire Giant
- Giant – Fire Titan
- Orc
Downs east of the Old Hills, extending to Nenlast
- Regional Encounter Table (6-10)
- Basilisk - Venom-Eye Basilisk
- Griffin – Griffin
- Harpy
- Manticore
- Ogre
- Stirge – Dire Stirge
- Troll
- Regional Encounter Table (Any)
- Abomination – Blood Fiend
- Archon
- Efreet
- Elemental
- Githzerai
- Griffin – Rimefire
- Hound - Hell Hound
- Hydra – Primortial Hydra
- Magma Beast
- Naga – Primortial Naga
- Roc – Phoenix
- Roc – Thunder Hawk
- Salamander
- Slaad
- Snake – Flame Snake
- Spider – Demon Web
Plains around the Ruins of Fastormel
- Regional Encounter Table (11-15)
- Gorgon
- Quickling
- Scorpion – Hell Stinger
- Regional Encounter Table (Any)
- Banshrae
- Choker – Feygrove Choker
- Cyclops
- Displacer Beast
- Eladrin
- Fomorian
- Hag
- Harpy
- Hound – Wild Hunt Hound
- Lamia
- Panther – Fey Panther
- Quickling
- Unicorn
North to Lake Wintermist and the Winterbole Forest, West to the Gardbury Downs, East to the Winter River, South to the Kings Road
- Regional Encounter Table (6-10)
- Griffin – Griffin
- Hound – Shadow Hound
- Ogre
- Oni
- Troll
- Worg
- Regional Encounter Table (6-10)
- Griffin – Griffin
- Hound – Shadow Hound
- Manticore
- Ogre
- Wyvern
- Regional Encounter Table (11-15)
- Chimera
- Ettin
- Scorpion – Hell Stinger
North to the Gray Downs, West to the Winter River, East to the Nentir River
- Regional Encounter Table (6-10)
- Griffin – Griffin
- Ogre
- Stirge – Dire Stirge
- Regional Encounter Table (11-15)
- Basilisk - Stone-Eye Basilisk
- Dragonspawn – Redspawn Firebelcher
- Dwarf
- Galeb Duhr – Rockcaller
- Giant – Hill Giant
- Scorpion – Hell Stinger
The plains around Harkenwold, including all the hamlets, farms, and thorps just inside the bordering woods. These small communities have banded together for mutual protection and prosperity, and are largely self-reliant, dependant only on trade with each other. This is the second most populated area in the Heartlands.
- Regional Encounter Table (1-5)
- Halfling
This large woodland stretches from the Nentir River to the mountains and extends for miles to the south. It separates the Nentir Vale from the more populous coastal towns of the south. A strong goblin keep called Daggerburg lies somewhere in the southwest reaches, not too far from Kalton Manor; the goblins sometimes raid the river-traffic moving along the Nentir, or send small parties of marauders to Harkenwold’s borders. An elf tribe known as the Woodsinger Clan roams the eastern portions of the forest. They occasionally trade with the humans of Harkendale and keep an eye on travelers along the old King’s Road. They have a long-standing feud with the Daggerburg goblins, and the goblins keep to the western parts of the forest to avoid swift and deadly elven arrows. However, the goblins are growing more numerous and have become bolder in recent months.
North Harken Forest
- Regional Encounter Table (6-10)
- Displacer Beast
- Gnome
- Harpy
- Satyr
- Snake – Crush Grip Constrictor
- Vine Horror – Spell Feind
West Harken Forest
- Regional Encounter Table (1-5)
- Drake – Needlefang Drake Swarm
- Goblin
- Spider – Death Jump
East Harken Forest
- Regional Encounter Table (1-5)
- Drake – Needlefang Drake Swarm
- Elf
- Gnome
- Spider – Death Jump
Plains to the northwest, north, and east of Fallcrest, including the Moon Hills and Fallcrest itself. This is the most populated region of the Nentir Vale, and the center of it's regrowth. There are a number of tiny rural communities that manage to survive here, although they are in constant peril from kobold, goblin, hobgoblin, gnoll and other humanoid raiders, as well as bandits and other more unsavory monsters. There is little to no central authority in the rural Heartlands, and patrols from Fallcrest rarely range past the Moon Hills. A deed system of land ownership is respected within 10 miles of Fallcrest in all directions (which is the breadth of it's control), but outside of that any man may stake his claim.
- Regional Encounter Table (1-5)
- Drake – Any (10% chance of Rage Drake being present)
- Gnoll
- Goblin
- Griffin – Hippogriff
- Halfling
- Human – Bandit
- Kobold
- Regional Encounter Table (21-25)
- Purple Worm – Elder
Plains south of the Moon Hills
- Regional Encounter Table (6-10)
- Goblin – Bugbear
- Goblin – Hobgoblin
- Human – Bandit
- Ogre
- Stirge – Dire Stirge
- Wolf – Dire Wolf
This area of gently rolling hills is populated by farmers and rural folk surrounding Fallcrest, which lies in the center of the region. Though well populated, the region is not devoid of monsters. Fire beetles infest the area, and kobolds occasionally prowl the area, looking for livestock or other goodies that they can filch. Novice adventurers often begin their careers by patrolling the Moon Hills.
- Regional Encounter Table
- Beetle – Fire Beetle
- Drake – Spiretop Drake
- Drake – Spitting Drake
- Kobold
- Rat – Dire Rat
- Rat – Giant Rat
- Scorpion - Stormclaw Scorpion
- Stirge
- Ogrefist Hills
- Regional Encounter Table (16-20)
- Hag – Death Hag
- Purple Worm
- *Rakasha ??
- Troll – Fell Troll
A series of forts dating back to the earliest Nerath settlers, called the Ring forts, dot the tops of these hills.
- Regional Encounter Table (1-5)
- Gnoll
- Goblin – Hobgoblin
- Goblin – Bugbear
- Griffin – Hippogriff
- Human – Bandit
- Kobold
- Snake – Death Rattle Viper
- Wolf – Gray Wolf
North to the Gardbury Downs, South to the Witchlight Fens and the Umbron Forest*, West to the Ogrefist Hills, East to the Cloak Wood and the Witchlight Fens, This inhospitable plain is completely overgrown with head-height razorgrass, sharp enough to cut through chainmail. A simple change of wind can slice a traveler to shreds.
- Regional Encounter Table (16-20)
- Bulette – Dire Bulette
- Carrion Crawler – Enormous Carrion Crawler
- Troll – Fell Troll
- Regional Encounter Table (Any)
- Bat - Shadowhunter
- Beetle – Rot Scarab Beetle
- Bodak
- Dark One
- Devourer
- Giant – Death Giant
- Shadar-Kai
- Hound – Shadow Hound
- Nightmare
- Night Walker
- Panther – Spectral
- Snake – Shadow Snake
- Sorrow Sworn
- Wyvern – Fell Wyvern
Small plain to the southeast of Lake Wintermist, south of the Winterbole Forest. Constantly shrouded in a silvery fog, these moors are said to be haunted. The locals give them a wide berth.
- Regional Encounter Table (11-15)
- Crocodile – Feymire Crocodile
- Ghost - Banshee
- Hag – Night Hag - U
- Hydra – Fen Hydra
- Skeleton – Tomb Guardian
A rugged land of stony hills and deep gorges cut by white-rushing rivers, the Stonemarch is home to tribes of dangerous humanoids and giants. Orcs, ogres, giants, and trolls haunt the farther reaches of these barren lands. Fortunately for the residents of the vale, the monsters rarely come east over the Cairngorm Peaks. A great orc-warren known as the Fanged Jaws of Kulkoszar lies in the northern part of the wasteland; here the chief of the Bloodspear tribe rules over hundreds of the fierce warriors.
- Regional Encounter Table (11-15)
- Basilisk - Stone-Eye Basilisk
- Chimera
- Giant – Hill Giant
- Giant – Earth Titan
- Manticore
- Ogre
- Orc
- Roc – Roc
- Troll – War Troll
- Wyvern
Patch of woods west of the Old Hills
- Regional Encounter Table (11-15)
- Lamia
- Owlbear
- Bear - Dire Bear
- Scorpion – Hellstinger
- Boar – Thuderfury
- Manticore
- Regional Encounter Table (Any)
- Aboleth
- Balhannoth
- Bear - Cave Bear
- Beholder
- Carrion Crawler – Carrion Crawler
- Choker – Cavern Choker
- Chuul
- Destrachan
- Displacer Beast
- Dragonspawn – Blackspawn Gloomwing
- Drider
- Drow
- Foulspawn
- Gargoyle
- Gibbering Beast
- Grell
- Grick
- Grimlock
- Hook Horror
- Hydra
- Kruthik
- Kuo-Toa
- Medusae
- Mind Flayer
- Minotaur
- Ooze
- Otyugh
- Purple Worn
- Roper
- Spider – Blade Spider
- Sword Wing
- Troglodyte
- Umber Hulk
- Regional Encounter Table (11-15)
- Bear - Dire Bear
- Choker – Feygrove Choker
- Ettin
- Owlbear – Winter Claw
- Cyclops
- Vine Horror – Strangler
East Winterbole Forest
- Regional Encounter Table (6-10)
- Bear - Dire Bear
- Dryad
- Hag – Howling
- Harpy
- Ogre
- Owlbear – Owlbear
- Snake – Crush Grip Constrictor
- Spider – Blood Web Swarm
Central Winterbole Forest
- Regional Encounter Table (16-20)
- Cyclops
- Treant
- Worg – Guulvorg
Outer Witchlight Fens
- Regional Encounter Table (16-20)
- Beholder – Eye Tyrant
- Hag – Death Hag
- Hydra – Mordant Hydra
- Yuan-Ti
Deep Witchlight Fens
- Regional Encounter Table (21-25)
- Abomination - Blood Fiend (unique)
- Dragon or Dracolich (unique)
- Abomination – Atropal Roams the planes
- Abomination - Tarrasque Earth's Core
- Angel Any Plane
- Archon Any Plane
- Bats Any wilderness – Night Only
- Battlebriar Construct plants - military
- Beetle – Rot Scarab Beetle Shadowfell and places touched by death
- Berbalang Dunno
- Boar Any wilderness
- Boneclaw Construct undead hunter/killers
- Cambion Half-devil, some raised in natural world, some raised in the Hells
- Colossus Construct made by demon lords/divine exarchs
- Crocodile – Visejaw Along rivers
- Death Knight
- Demon The Abyss
- Devil The Nine Hells
- Doppleganger Any, usually towns or cities
- Dracolich Unique
- Dragon Scatter several uniques around
- Dragonborn Integrated into human society
- Drake – Spiretop Drake Cities, towns, populated areas
- Drake – Guard Drake Commonly used by rural folk as pets
- Drake – Needlefang Drake Rarely used as pets by rich nobles
- Eidolon Clerical construct – can turn on creator
- Eladrin Not indigenous
- Flameskull Constructs used as guardians
- Galeb Duhr - Earthbreaker No low level mountains to put them in
- Gargoyles Summoned guardians – cities
- Ghost Haunts place of death
- Ghoul Undead
- Ghoul – Abyssal The Abyss
- Golem Construct guardian
- Guardian Construct
- Hag – Bog Hag Low level Swamp
- Helmed Horror Elemental Construct
- Homunculus Construct Guardian
- Horse Mounts
- Hound – Hell Hound Pets for Fire Giants
- Hound – Shadow Hound Pets for Shadar-Kai
- Hound – Wild Hunt Hound Guard Dogs for Eladrin Nobles
- Hyena – CackleFeind The Abyss – Yeenoghu
- Larva Mage
- Lich
- Lizard Folk Along Rivers/Marshes/Lakes
- Lycanthrope
- Mummy Undead
- Naga Immortal ,Work with Yuan-Ti
- Otyugh Sewers
- Rakasha
- Rats All locations
- Rot Harbinger Undead
- Sahaugin Salt Water
- Shambling Mound Low level Swamp (6-10)
- Shifter Possible PC Race?
- Skeleton Undead
- Skull Lord Undead
- Snake – Shadow Revered by Yuan-Ti
- Sorrow Sworn Grim Reaper
- Spectre Undead
- Sphinx Immortal
- Spider – Demon Web With Lolth in Pits
- Vampire Undead
- War Forged Possible PC Race?
- Wight Undead
- Wraith Undead
- Zombie Undead
Horário do Encontro
Time of Day | Encounter Die |
Day | 1d8 |
Night | 1d6 |
Night (with campfire) | 1d4 |
Intervalo entre encontros
Terrain | Interval |
Hills | 4 Hours |
Mountains | 3 Hours |
Plains | 6 Hours |
Road* | 8 Hours |
Swamp | 1 Hour |
Woods | 2 Hours |
- Only when traveling – when camping use surrounding terrain
Faça uma rolada a cada intervalo (ou fração). Uma rolada de 1 indica um encontro, 2 também se o grupo estiver em patrulha.
The party will sometimes gain quests to patrol an area. They may also sign on with the Fallcrest Militia and ride daily patrols in the regions bordering the Heartlands. The party is also considered to on patrol whenever they are actively seeking wilderness encounters.
Patrolling parties travel at half their normal overland movement speed (their tactical movement is unaffected) and have an increased chance of random encounters.
The party is never considered to be on patrol while camping.
The party must decide whether or not they will build a fire when camping in the wild. Building a fire will increase the chance of an encounter occurring. However, many non-intelligent monsters fear fire and will keep their distance from it. Also, the fire will provide light in case the party is attacked (which could be important for human characters). So a campfire has advantages and disadvantages that must be considered.
Wilderness Random Encounter Step-By-Step
1. Consult the campaign map and determine which region the party occupies. Roll on the Regional Encounter Table for that region.
2. Roll on subtables as directed until the encounter is determined.
3. Determine if the monsters are eligible for Ambush. Monsters are eligible for ambush if they have a Stealth skill modifier of +5 or higher, and are intending to ambush. If so, make a Stealth check for the monsters opposed by the Passive Perception of the party. Use the Stealth modifier of the least stealthy member of the group (a monster/group that is 10 squares or more away from the other monsters may make a separate Stealth check). If the Stealth check is successful, the monsters achieve surprise. Proceed directly with step 5.
4. Make an opposed Perception check. Each side uses the highest modifier among it's members. If either side beats the other by more than 10, that side achieves surprise.
5. Determine encounter distance based on the result of the opposed check in step 4.
6. Lay out tactical map configuration.
7. Designate a set-up zone for the PCs. PCs set up their minis.
8. Determine set-up zones for the monsters as necessary. Set up monsters.
9. Conduct surprise round or roll for initiative.
Encounter Distance Table
Opposed PER Check Result | Hills & Plains | Woods & Mountains | Swamps & Deep Wds |
Monsters achieved surprise | 8-10 | 2-3 | 1 |
Monsters won by 6-10 | 9-11 | 3-4 | 2 |
Monsters won by 1-5 | 12-14 | 5-6 | 3 |
PCs won by 1-5 | 15-17 | 7-8 | 4 |
PCs won by 6-10 | 18-20 | 9-10 | 5 |
PCs achieved surprise | 21-23 | 11-12 | 6 |
Road Encounters
Roll on Terrain Table of surrounding terrain
- Traveling Merchant
- Militia Riders
- Humanoid Ambush
- Bandit Ambush
- Farmer and Cart
- Small Caravan
- Nobles
- Hunting Party
- Mercenaries
- Adventurers
- Whitecloaks
- Pilgrimage
- Flyer Table
- Traveler
- Tradesmen
There is a chance of militia intervention in any monster encounter on a patrolled road. Roll for intervention at the start of combat. If it occurs, 2d4 militia minions and a captain arrive after 1d3 rounds. and assist the PCs in their battle as necessary.
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