As 13 Tribos de Xen'drik

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Revisão de 09h56min de 12 de agosto de 2009 por AnandDaniel (discussão | contribs)
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A missão

O grupo está seguindo as pistas dos espíritos para descobrirem mais sobre A Profecia, que parece ser meio apocalíptica. Para isso, os espíritos avisaram que será necessário reunir as treze tribos de Xen’drik. Para apaziguar os espíritos das tribos (já que algumas são inimigas ferrenhas), serão necessárias oferendas de dragonshards, atunadas com cada um dos espíritos guias. Na primeira missão, o grupo foi atrás da primeira dragonshard, que fora capturada por kobolds, e usada para criar um dragão branco destinado a ser um arauto da destruição.

Uma campanha em Eberron para D&D 4a edição. O Mestre é o Anand.

O grupo

Os personagens ainda estão recém formados, e o pessoal pegando as manhas de combate e role-play de seus PCs. São eles:

  • Russ, Drow Sorcerer, mateiro de Xen’drik;
  • Kazzak, Goliath Warden, embaixador dos goliath;
  • Bashir, Dragonborn Warlord, emissário dos profetas;
  • Ianis, Dwarven Shaman, aprendiz da tribo;
  • Karrack, Meio-Orc Barbarian, último dos Tigres Brancos;


South of Khorvaire, Xen'drik is a land of mystery. This continent was home to the first mortal civilization in Eberron, but it has been largely ignored by the world for thousands of years. Secrets and treasures from the Age of Giants still lie there, hidden deep within a forbidden landscape of jungles, deserts, and mountains. Little is known about the heart of the continent, and uncounted scholars and adventurers have given their lives in the attempt to map that dark terrain. Lore of Xen'drik


Common Knowledge: Xen'drik is a land of secrets and mystery, and only the hardiest journey there. The continent is best known for its impenetrable jungles, harsh deserts, and impassable mountain ranges. Yet even more deadly are the strange supernatural effects that permeate this land, many dating back to the Age of Demons.

Arcana DC 20: Ruins of the ancient giant civilization cover Xen'drik, concealing powerful magic and relics. Xen'drik is also home to rich beds of Siberys dragonshards and deep pockets of Khyber shards. Such wealth draws adventurers to the continent.

Arcana DC 25: The giants were the first mortal civilization on Eberron, and over the millennia when they ruled Xen'drik, they raised up mighty monuments. The giants gained arcane knowledge from the dragons of Argonnessen, and magic was the foundation of their continent-spanning civilization.

Arcana DC 30: Forty thousand years ago, the quori came through into the world through planar gates linking Eberron and Dal Quor. The giants used their magic to seal those gates, but at great cost. Xen’drik was devastated, and the giants' civilization shattered as parts of the continent sank beneath the seas.